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    Kevin Nash critique et donne des conseils sur Twitter.


    Messages : 1938
    Date d'inscription : 01/04/2013

    Kevin Nash critique et donne des conseils sur Twitter. Empty Kevin Nash critique et donne des conseils sur Twitter.

    Message par Satandro Mar 20 Aoû - 10:53

    Source: TNAsylum.

    In a series of tweets about TNA, Kevin Nash criticized the company claiming it has no direction. He suggested TNA put Jarrett in the process to see improvement.

    "When WWE show cases a reality show around Mania how can the TNA show not look weak.I work indy shows every weekend that out draw TNA ...sad"

    "TNA has great talent just no direction. Let Jeff Jarrett become part of the process and watch the numbers."

    "WCW had much deeper pockets. TNA never used the benefits of s studio.Green screen could have made The Impact Zone 15 000."

    "Spike has to much control but Dixie gets the heat."

    "Putting UFC guys in TNA makes less sense then putting TNA guys in UFC"

      La date/heure actuelle est Sam 5 Oct - 0:48