Source: TNAsylum.
Sur Twitter, Shannon Moore a expliqué que pour lui, il est difficile de créer de nouvelle superstar et par conséquent, la TNA devrait engagé des ex WWE qui sont encore au top de la forme...Il cite Carlito, Morrison, Helms, Masters (qui travaillait pour la TNA en Inde).
Sur Twitter, Shannon Moore a expliqué que pour lui, il est difficile de créer de nouvelle superstar et par conséquent, la TNA devrait engagé des ex WWE qui sont encore au top de la forme...Il cite Carlito, Morrison, Helms, Masters (qui travaillait pour la TNA en Inde).
"People ask me my thoughts on TNA. I don’t know what the game plan is but would hate to see a company come to a cross roads. However I feel it’s time to capitalize on the house hold names that are sitting home right now. Carlito, Morrison, Helms, Masters, etc. These guys are hard workers that have name value that people still want to see. Sometimes the mixture of home grown and household names is a good thing. Just my opinion but so much talent that have a following should be put to use by someone. It’s a waste and this day and age it’s hard to build new talent unless you have the following already paying attention to your product!! That’s my thoughts but its not my answer at the end of the day that will help. Hopefully the game plan will pan out."