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    Chris Sabin sur Busted Open!


    Messages : 1938
    Date d'inscription : 01/04/2013

    Chris Sabin sur Busted Open! Empty Chris Sabin sur Busted Open!

    Message par Satandro Ven 26 Juil - 0:13

    Source: Pro Wrestling Do Net.

    Notre actuel TNA WHC a été interviewé sur Busted Open, le site a proposé un résumé de l'interview. Je vous propose la version anglaise que je simplifierai et traduirai dans la soirée.

    TNA Champion Chris Sabin says he's not concerned for TNA's future, how he spent his first night as champion, whether he feels more pressure now that he's champion

    TNA World Heavyweight Champion Chris Sabin joined Busted Open Radio to discuss a variety of topics. Below are the highlights:

    If winning the World Title felt surreal in his career:
    "Yeah, I mean I put in a lot of hard work over the years. I’ve been with the company for over a decade. So it’s been a long road and put a lot of miles on my body but honestly it’s all been worth it. Just for that one moment, for that one moment in the ring, it was all worth it."

    If he expected for all of this to come so fast after just returning to TNA:
    "It did happen very fast and no I did not expect that. I came in—I was coming back after two years being on the sidelines. So one of the things I tried to have was no expectations. And just try to do the best that I could, no matter what I was getting in. Whatever I had to do, just try to do the best I could because that’s all I really could do. You never know how things are going to turn out when coming back from an injury like that. People haven’t seen you in a while, it’s kind of like you’re starting over. So tried to go in there with no expectations man but it looks like some hard work paid off."

    If he did anything crazy with the belt after he won:
    "(Laughs) Not really. I kind of just took it, went back to the hotel and went to sleep honestly. You know I had to actually get up and wrestle the next day. So I didn’t do anything crazy you know just laid it on top of my pillow and gently laid my cheek next to it and had sweet dreams."

    On the reaction of his family and friends following Destination X:
    "There were lots of congratulations. There were lots of text messages, my phone was blowing up that night. Lots of people that I’ve wrestled with, some friends, some family you know just saying congratulations. Cause I think a lot of my friends and family understand what wrestling means to me. And to have something like that happen they know that that’s a very significant part of my life. An accomplishment that I have always wanted to accomplish. So it was very nice."

    If there is added pressure now that he is World Heavyweight Champion:
    "Well, I don’t feel like there is more pressure because this is what I have always waited for. This is what I’ve always wanted. I’ve always wanted to be in this position. So I feel a lot more comfortable because now I can feel like I will truly have the chance to express myself in the ring and with everything wrestling. I know it’s gonna be a bigger challenge and it’s gonna be a lot more hard work but I like challenges and I’m looking forward to it."

    If he enjoys being a part of the PR aspect of the company and doing interviews:
    "Yeah, I do enjoy it especially if guys are pretty fun and easy going like you two (Dave and Doug) you know what I mean? Where we can actually have a little fun and good conversation. Sometimes guys try to take things too seriously and ask you personal questions and stuff, it’s like ahh come on, you know? But when it’s interviews like this, I enjoy it. So thank you guys."

    How it felt to headline Destination X that drew 1.5 million viewers on Spike TV:
    "It feels good but you have to keep that trend going. For it just to happen one time isn’t enough, you need to keep that, do that consistently. So it’s like it was cool that I was a part of the show that did a good rating but I would really like to be a part of the wave that continues and we consistently get that rating. And it wasn’t just me you know what I mean? I think that it was an X division themed show, I think that had a lot to do with it too. And especially promoting the show as Destination X: free Pay-Per-View. I think that we just gave the fans lots of reasons to tune in. And hopefully that continues."

    On all the issues going on within TNA and if he's ever gone through something like this before:
    "Yeah, many times. Many times. I’ve seen the company change, management actually, many times. Just throughout the years but that’s just how it’s always been. Writers change, people’s jobs change, people come and go but it is weird every time because you get used to working with someone and use to seeing someone and then they’re not there anymore. So it’s like ahhh well what’s it gonna be like when the next group of guys that are coming in? So you got to pick it up and start over with that too but I’ve seen it happen many times and luckily I have seemed to stuck around the entire time so hopefully I can continue to stick around."

    On what he would say to fans that are worried about the future of TNA:
    "Well. How bout this? I am the TNA World Heavyweight Champion and I’m not worried. People have been saying they’ve been worried about the company honestly since I started. There has always been that little whisper in the background like oh no how much longer is it gonna last? That’s been going on since the beginning and you know what it is still here today. So even though I think this is maybe just another wave of little chatter and that’s all it’s gonna be. I think the company will continue to thrive."

      La date/heure actuelle est Sam 5 Oct - 1:09