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    Interview de Quinton Rampage pour


    Messages : 1938
    Date d'inscription : 01/04/2013

    Interview de Quinton Rampage pour Empty Interview de Quinton Rampage pour

    Message par Satandro Mar 11 Juin - 11:28

    Source: &, rédacteur Felixtaker.

    Lors d'une interview réalisé sur, publiée le XXXX, Rampage a discuté de nombreuses choses, notamment de l'UFC et Dana White. Il a ensuite abordé la TNA.
    Je vous propose la version anglaise suivie d'un résumé fait

    Jackson's visibility on Spike TV has already started, with his appearance on TNA Impact wrestling on Thursday in Duluth, Ga. The promotion taped two television shows that night, the first, which aired on a two-hour tape delay, was him have an in-ring confrontation with 1996 Olympic freestyle wrestling gold medalist Kurt Angle.

    The segment seemed to create some buzz within wrestling and was generally reviewed positively. It's far too early to see if Jackson's UFC popularity will bring in either MMA fans, or just people curious, to the wrestling company.
    His second appearance, which airs this coming Thursday, opens up more questions as far as where his role is going, as he ended up saving Angle, who appeared to be his nemesis, from an attack late in the show.

    Jackson grew up a wrestling fan in Memphis, where Saturday morning wrestling on the NBC affiliate with local superstar Jerry Lawler and iconic announcer Lance Russell, was almost a cultural institution, for years the most popular locally produced television show in the market. He's talked about going to the matches on Monday nights at the Mid-South Coliseum. But wrestling has changed greatly from the 80s, and he hasn't watched it in years and is just starting to catch up.

    "I don't know a lot about that world," he said. "I used to watch that as a kid before I got into MMA. That's why I used to do all those slams before I got addicted to knocking people out. I haven't watched it in a couple of years. From what I heard, the fans liked it (his first segment with Angle). Now I have to get used to people telling me what to do. TNA is kind of crazy. They tell me to do an interview, Kurt Angle interrupted my interview. I didn't know:"

    While the idea Jackson wasn't aware Angle was coming out to confront him is difficult to take seriously, it is likely true that nobody exactly knows where his role is going because they don't know his learning curve, how fans will react long-term, or anything else.

    But Jackson did get a chance to meet a childhood hero in Hulk Hogan, who at 59, is still the face of that organization.

    He said he didn't act like a fan boy to Hogan, because of his own experience meeting fans.

    "If a fan is cool, I'm cool with him," he said. "A fan could turn into a friend. But some people act super weird, and they make it uncomfortable for you. All you want to do is get out of there. What I learned from that experience is to be yourself. . . Hogan's cool, he gave me a few pointers backstage. I didn't act like a fan, but I was star struck."

    Like with fighting, there's no real timetable on his pro wrestling. What he has said is you won't be seeing him doing some of the high flying moves that a lot of pro wrestlers do.

    "I'm sure I'll beat up my body, it's the same thing people told me about MMA," he said. "I don't plan on being one of those pro wrestlers doing all that crazy stuff. I'm coming into the game with a few injuries. I'm just looking to entertain everybody. I am different from other stuff. I can't do all that high flying."

    As far as when and what he's doing next, he said they haven't told him.

    "Everything is brand new, they haven't told me anything," he said. "They don't know. They think I might learn it faster because I grew up watching it and pretending to be a pro wrestler as a kid, watching it for 17 years. Maybe I'll get it faster than others, or maybe not."


    Dans une interview pour le site MMA Fighting, la dernière acquisition de la TNA, Quiton « Rampage » Jackson a expliqué le déroulement de ses débuts à Impact Wrestling et surtout la confrontation entre cet ancien champion du Monde unifié des poids-moyen (à l’UFC) et le 12 fois champion du Monde poids-lourd, Kurt Angle :

    Sur la structure du catch américain moderne :

    Je ne connais pas très bien ce milieu. J’avais l’habitude de voir du catch petit, avant de devenir un combattant de MMA. C’est pourquoi je pratiquais beaucoup de slams sur mes adversaires avant de les mettre KO. Je n’ai pas regardé [du catch] depuis plusieurs années. [...] De ce que j’ai entendu, les fans ont vraiment apprécié [mon segment avec Kurt Angle]. Maintenant je dois juste prendre l’habitude d’être dirigé par des personnes qui vont me dire quoi faire. C’est un peu fou à la TNA. Ils [les bookers] m’ont demandé de faire une promo et Kurt Angle m’a interrompu. Et je ne le savais même pas !

    Sur sa relation avec les fans et sa rencontre avec l’un des héros de son enfance, Hulk Hogan :

    Si un fan est sympa avec moi, je le serais avec lui. Un fan peut même se transformer en un ami. Mais certaines personnes agissent très bizarrement, et elles vous rendent inconfortable. Ce que j’ai appris de ses expériences [avec les fans], c’est d’être soi-même. [...] Hogan est très cool, il m’a donné quelques conseils en coulisses. Je n’ai pas agi comme un fan mais j’étais très impressionné.

    Sur le style de catch qu’il va employer :

    Je vais sacrifier mon corps, vous pouvez en être sûr, mais c’est la même chose que les gens m’ont dit avant mes débuts en MMA. Mais vous ne me verrez pas faire des choses risquées et folles. J’arrive dans ce business avec quelques blessures et j’y viens juste pour divertir les fans. Je suis différent des autres. Je ne pourrais pas faire tout ce que font les voltigeurs.

    Concernant ce que la TNA a prévu pour lui :

    Ils [les dirigeants] ne m’ont rien dit. Ils ne savent pas encore. Ils pensent sans doute que j’apprendrais plus vite parce que j’ai été fan enfant et que j’ai longtemps voulu devenir un lutteur professionnel. Peut-être que j’apprendrais plus vite que les autres, ou peut-être pas.

      La date/heure actuelle est Ven 12 Juil - 18:50