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    Rampage encore, toujours!


    Messages : 1938
    Date d'inscription : 01/04/2013

    Rampage encore, toujours! Empty Rampage encore, toujours!

    Message par Satandro Jeu 6 Juin - 4:21

    Source et Pro Wrestling Dot Net

    Je vous la traduirais demain en journée. C'est la réaction de Quinton Rampage par téléphone!

    Spike TV Conference Call with Rampage Jackson
    - The call opened with Kevin Kay announcing Rampage's signing, and running down his history of fights he had on Spike TV, one of which drew six million viewers. He also announced they were doing a four part mini-series on him and his contract, as well as working with Paramount to potentially produce a movie with Rampage.

    - Dixie Carter put over Rampage as an internationally known athlete and TNA as an international brand. She said he had a big personality and was a perfect fit for TNA. She claimed 2013 was a major strategic year for TNA and that Rampage would have a huge impact.

    - Dixie announced Rampage would be on Impact tomorrow, and then turned the call over to Bjorn Rebney. Bjorn put over Bellator and how it was formed, and turned the call over to Rampage.

    - Rampage said this was something he had been dreaming about for years. He said he always wanted to be a professional wrestler and that's why he got into sports. He said the idea of making movies and fighting and wrestling was all great, and that the team had managed to restore his love for MMA that he lost at the end of his UFC run. They opened the call for questions.

    - Bjorn said that there were several Bellator fighters that were interested in crossing over to TNA. He and Dixie had discussed it, but Rampage is such a talent that this was a no-brainer.

    - Rampage talked about losing his last three fights in UFC and blamed injuries and that he was trying to get out of his contract. He said people have given him grief for coming to Bellator because they don't have competition yet. He asked how they were supposed to get competition if no one goes over. He said he wanted to get his knees healthy and he's looking forward to fighting for Bellator because they are concerned about his health and not just making money off him.

    - Rampage said everyone came after him during the free agency period and he even considered doing boxing. He had an eye on Bellator, he watched it and he wanted to go there. He expects more free agents to come to Bellator. He wants to entertain, but doesn't want to go broke like other fighters have. He said he can't fight forever, but he can wrestle as he gets older like Hulk Hogan and Sting, and also do movies like Sylvester Stallone.

    - Dixie talked about getting talent from three places: WWE, free agents, and developing her own which takes years. She said a signing like Rampage gets the best bang for the buck because he's ready to go out of the box.

    - Rampage said he expects to be able to fight in about four months. He will be training at both Wolf's Lair (his MMA compound) and OVW to learn the wrestling trade.

    - Rampage was asked about losing focus while doing so many different projects and he said that he knows what to do. He may not win all of his fights, but he will have damn entertaining fights. He has never played it safe, and sometimes you win and other times you lose, but he is always entertaining.

    - Dixie said that Rampage would be starting right away getting ready for wrestling and they expect him to be a part of the show "sooner than later."

    - Rampage talked about going to wrestling shows as a kid in Memphis where he saw guys like Jerry "The King" Lawler. He said he was looking forward to meeting everyone at TNA and talking with the creative team about when he could get started.

    - Rampage joked about teaming with King Mo Lawal in TNA after talking about their issues in the past. He said it's possible they could fight in the future.

    - Rampage talked about hopefully getting to shoot the MMA movie he has written.

    - Dixie said she felt Rampage was ahead of the curve in wrestling and therefore wouldn't be starting from scratch necessarily, but wrestling is a different skillset than MMA and it will take a little time. She referenced Kurt Angle's transition from amateur wrestling as something similar to what Rampage will go through.

    - Dixie talked about the previous dual-sport athletes that have worked with TNA (Pacman Jones, Bobby Lashley, etc.) and defended it as bringing eyes to the product and that it is all about entertaining. King Mo and Rampage Jackson are guys who can do that.

    - Rampage rejected the idea that there is any pressure on him to win because as long as you entertain the fans, what difference does it make if you lose. He took exception to someone asking about a specific loss and ended up somewhat dismissing the guy for not being a fighter.

    - Bjorn said that fighters should be who they are and say what they think. He encourages people to be themselves, and doesn't pretend to be their king. He hopes they use common sense, but people are who they are.

    - The call ended around 4:10 p.m. ET.

      La date/heure actuelle est Sam 28 Sep - 4:31