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    Interview de Lashley


    Messages : 1938
    Date d'inscription : 01/04/2013

    Interview de Lashley Empty Interview de Lashley

    Message par Satandro Mer 3 Avr - 12:09

    Kayfabe Wrestling Radio a récemment interviewé l'ancienne star de la TNA Bobby Lashley. Bobby a discuté de nombreux sujets incluant la WWE, sa carrière en MMA et à la TNA. Voci les faits saillants:

    -On his time in TNA:
    Sur son ère à la TNA:

    “I think what went right was just seeing a different side of wrestling. Like I said, I came from just WWE and then, going there, it was just a different side of it, a different show. I think it was really cool to just see something different and how they were putting it together and how they were trying to get it to the point of where WWE was. "
    "Je pense qu'il était juste de voir une autre facette de la lutte. Comme je l'ai dit, je venais de la WWE et puis, aller là-bas, c'était juste quelque chose de différent. Je pense que c'était vraiment cool de voir quelque chose de différent et comment ils les mettaient ensemble et comment ils ont essayé de concurrencer la WWE . "

    -On his departure from the company:
    Son départ de la compagnie:

    "So, I mean, as far as what went bad, it was I was at an indecisive point in my career where I had just started fighting and there was a big contract coming my way and I had to make a decision as to what was more important to my career at this time. Now, wrestling has always been the number one thing in my life, but at that point it was like feeding my family and taking care of everything and I had been offered a really big contract by Strikeforce, so when I got offered that contract, I had to put that as my first priority at the time. I tried to balance the to but it was like I was being pulled in one direction and then in the other direction at the same time, so I had to make a choice.”
    "Je vais dire que çà ne se passait bien avec la TNA, j'étais indécis sur le futur de ma carrière en MMA (je venais de la commencer) et on m'a proposé un gros contrat. J'ai pris une décision pour le bien de ma famille même si je reste un passionné du catch. J'ai donc signé un très gros contrat avec Strikeforce".

    Source - Darren Grett

      La date/heure actuelle est Ven 12 Juil - 16:17