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    Interview d'Hogan au Rover's Morning Glory.


    Messages : 1938
    Date d'inscription : 01/04/2013

    Interview d'Hogan au Rover's Morning Glory. Empty Interview d'Hogan au Rover's Morning Glory.

    Message par Satandro Ven 30 Aoû - 23:19

    Source:, rédacteur Raj Giri.

    Autre résumé d'interview que je vous traduirai demain.

    Hulk Hogan appeared on Rover's Morning Glory earlier this week to plug last night's Impact Wrestling taping in Cleveland. Below is a quick recap courtesy of our friends at

    TNA's success overseas:

    "The company I'm with, Impact Wrestling, they're the number one company overseas. All through Europe and Australia, the numbers are crazy and we're pushing really hard here in the States."

    How the wrestling business has changed:

    "What I've noticed mostly is things move so fast, the universe is getting so big. There are so many choices with satellite, cable, reality TV, social media, people switch gears so much that things have to move faster. Like if you and I were to start an argument right now, [in the past] we'd probably wrestle a year from now and blow the thing off. Well now, if we start an argument we'll probably wrestle by the end of the hour. You have to most faster, it's just the business has changed."

    Doing steroids early in his career:

    "It was kind of a wave of what was the correct thing to do at the time. [In the] '70s, 80's, doctors would write you a prescription for a steroid, where every sport in the world was doing it and the mindset was, 'it was safer than taking sugar.' Well, everybody's been re-educated. Steroids are for injuries and certain medical uses, but not for bulking up and enhancing athletic ability. So, I think the mindset changed around '90 when it became illegal... There was an era when the steroids were predominant in every single sport across the board, but now I think even though it's prevalent, it's not as inundated as it was back then. I think you can pull out isolated incidences in any sport and point people out."

    His relationship with WWE:

    "On a personal level I'm friends with them, but on a business level, I'm the bitter enemy [joking]. I'm not the enemy, we don't compete with the other company because they are a totally different entity. They're a PG company, we're pretty aggressive. It's not like we want wrestling how it used to be, but wrestling how it should be [with] a lot of physicality and back to the bare necessities of what this business is about. So we're really not competing, but on a business level we're not on the same team, that's for sure. But on a personal level, I'm friends with everybody."

    Hulk also speaks on getting his name, his divorce and delves much further into his personal life. You can check out the full interview below.

      La date/heure actuelle est Sam 5 Oct - 2:29