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    Résultats du House Show du 19 Juillet, Danville, Illinois!


    Messages : 1938
    Date d'inscription : 01/04/2013

    Résultats du House Show du 19 Juillet, Danville, Illinois! Empty Résultats du House Show du 19 Juillet, Danville, Illinois!

    Message par Satandro Sam 20 Juil - 12:36

    Source: PWInsider, rédacteur Tony Spivey.

    They opened the show with a title match! Bully Ray vs. new champ Chris Sabin. Bully cut a promo about being screwed out of the title, demanded a rematch before the night was over. Sabin came out and said we didn't have to wait, he would make Bully "Hail Sabin" right now. Decent match with Bully continuing to work on Sabin's knees. Sabin gets with win with some sort of surprise rollup. Don't really know what to call it, but it looked cool.

    Second was BFG match, Samoa Joe vs. Jay Bradley. Surprising amount of offense for Bradley, I thought. Joe is a freakin' machine. How a man that size pulls off the moves he does, I don't know. Joe teased the muscle buster, Bradley countered, Joe gets a pin for the win.

    I have to note some of my memory is clouded by the distraction of Christy Hemme as the ring announcer. Frankly, TV does none of the Knockouts justice, they are beautiful, but

    Note from Dave: Who wouldn't be distracted?

    Next up, a Knockouts match with Gail Kim and Miss Tessmacher. Tess was really over with the crowd, probably because of her autograph/photo session prior to the show. She knows how to work a crowd, and is extremely likeable. The match was pretty back and forth, nothing spectacular, Gail getting the win. Tess put on a little dancing show for the crowd, post match.

    Next was the tag match, Gunner and James Storm vs. Bischoff/Brisco. Really a fun match until Storm apparently got hurt. Bischoff was pulling hair constantly with Storm, Earl Hebner (who is much funnier than I expected) would never catch it. Then when Storm would go on offense, Bischoff would loudly complain that Storm was pulling hair, continually whining to Earl. Storm said something to Earl, threw Bischoff into the ropes. Storm AND Earl gave him a two-man hip toss. Crowd ate that up. Towards the end of the match, Storm took a move from Bischoff (I believe, was taking photos, watching for Gunner to come in and clean house). Storm tagged Gunner, rolled out of the ring, and just lay on the floor for a long time. To me, it was obvious Earl figured out what was going on, told the boys to take it home, and Gunner ended up with the pin for the victory. Storm was beginning to move a little obviously in pain, couldn't really tell what body part he was favoring. A stretcher was rolled out, but after EMT's worked with him for a while, he was able to make it to the back with Gunner's help. The man was obviously in pain. Intermission was quickly called.

    After the intermission, Devon vs. Kurt Angle. I should point out all Aces and Eights members (except Bully) made their entrances from the crowd, not the aisle. Atlas Security leading the way, of course. This was probably my favorite match of the night. No one throws a suplex like Angle. Textbook brawler versus wrestler kind of match, good back and forth action. One thing young guys could learn from Devon and Bully Ray, is how to continue being a heel during the match. The joy of sitting first row is being able to hear all the chatter. Bully and Devon NEVER stop talking. I was expecting Angle to go over. The crowd was big on Angle, and it just felt like from a booking standpoint, we were due for a face win. Sad to say, Devon got the win, and I'm not sure exactly what happened, other than it was a pinfall. Kind of caught me off guard. Angle sold for quite a while, then gave a very nice "thank you" speech to the fans, seemed very genuine in appreciation for the chants that broke out.

    Then time for the main event. Yeah, a little on the short side tonight, which would be my only complaint. Then again, they just did live TV the night before. Probably not the best scheduling. Main event was Jeff Hardy vs. Bobby Roode. Biggest pop of the night for Hardy. I was surprised he was on the card, since he's not been on TV much lately. I'm not the biggest Hardy fan, but he is good with his fans. He made his way around the ring slapping hands, and took some time to hug a few, and made sure kids and folks in wheel chairs got a chance to say hi. Match was decent, but to me not as good as Angle/Devon. Didn't tell a story as much. Both men got in signature moves (no Swanton though). Roode nailed a spinebuster and someone in the crowd yelled "Triple H does it better". If looks could kill....Roode was not happy! Roode picked up Hardy almost like setting up for a pile driver, Hardy got free, shot Roode off the ropes, then caught him for the Twist of Fate for the win.

    To sum it up, Sabin over Bully Ray, Samoa Joe over Jay Bradley, Gail Kim over Miss Tessmacher, Storm/Gunner over Bischoff/Briscoe, Devon over Angle, Hardy over Roode, all by pinfall.

    Not good at estimating crowd size, but it wasn't much. I will say it was a buying crowd. Merchandise table was pretty busy, lots of people carrying items around with them. I did the pre-show meet and greet, and could not pass up a chance for a photo with Miss Tessmacher. Yes, some of the extras cost a few more dollars, but you will not get treated better at any wrestling event. For all the things they do wrong, Impact does their best to make the fans feel special.
    Le show a débuté avec le match pour le TNA WHC entre Bully Ray et le champion Chris Sabin. Bully Ray avait ouvert le show en faisant une promo sur sa défaite et exigeant son re match dans la soirée. Sabin est arrivé et accepté mais en précisant que le match se ferait maintenant. Un match décent avec Bully Ray travaillant nouvellement sur le genou de Sabin. Le champion a remporté le match avec une sorte de petit paquet surprise. la prise est indéfinissable pour le rédacteur de résultat mais semblait cool.

    Le second match est un BFG Series entre Saoma Joe et Jay Bradley. Ce dernier a commis de nombreux coups illégaux mais le Samoan a une nouvelle fois fait parler ses qualités de cogneurs et athlétique. Le rédacteur est impressionné par les moves que Joe peut réaliser. Ce n'est pas courent d'avoir un lutteur avec un tel gabarit capable de faire ce qu'il fait. Une machine à destruction (je confirme).
    Joe a porter le Muscle Buster pour la victoire.

    Hemme est décrite comme d'habitude éblouissante, elle détourne l'attention, immanquablement!

    Ensuite nous avons un match de KO entre Gail Kim et Miss Tessmacher. Brooke a été fort appuyée par le public. On peut expliquer cela par la séance d'autographe/photo qu'elle a réalisé avant le show. Apparemment, elle a bien "joué" avec le public. Un match normal, rien de bien spectaculaire. Kim l'a emporter et Tessmacher a effectué un petit show de danse après le match.

    Le match suivant a été un autre match pour un titre: James Storm & Gunner (C) vs Garrett et Wes des Aces & Eights. Un match décrit comme très amusant, sauf pour Storm qui a semblé blessé. Le début de match a vu Garrett qui attrapait constamment les cheveux de Storm avec un Earl Hebner des grands jours (apparemment très comique) qui tentait de l'en empêcher puis faisant sa pleureuse auprès de l'arbitre quand Storm tentait de s'en prendre à lui. Après un petit conciliabule avec Hebner. Storm a envoyé Garrett dans les cordes et Earl et lui lui ont porté un double Hip Toss!!!
    Ensuite le match c'est poursuivi avec une foule en délire! Storm a soudain fait le changement après avoir pris un move de Bischoff et a roulé hors du ring. Le rédacteur pense qu'Earl aurait dit au cowboy de rentrer à la maison. Storm est resté longuement hors du ring, couché sur le sol. Gunner a terminé et remporté le match. Storm semblait réellement souffrir et le break est venu rapidement.

    Après la pause, les fans ont retrouvé Devon affrontant Angle. Le rédacteur le décrit comme son match préféré. Deux monstres sacrés à observer et étudier. Un bon bagarreur contre un bon technicien qui avait l'appui du public. Devon (et Bully Ray) sont décrits comme des exemples de heel qui excitent la foule en parlant constamment. Devon a remporte apparemment méritoirement la victoire mais le rédacteur ne sait décrire la fin de match. Angle a ensuite remercié le public qui l'avait soutenu.

    Et pour conclure, le main Event, Jeff Hardy vs Bobby Roode. Le Charismatic Enigma a reçu la plus grosse ovation de la soirée. Les fans étaient surpris de voir un tel match booké en House Show. Hardy n'oublie apparemment pas ses fans dans les House Show prenant le temps de serrer les mains des jeunes et moins jeunes, se montrant, se prenant volontiers des tapes sur le dos. Le match est décrit comme décent. Les deux hommes ont porté leur prise de soumission (pas de Swanton pour Hardy). Durant le match, après que Roode a porté un Spinebuster, un fan idiot a crié : "HHH le fait mieux". Le regard que lui a lancé le It factor était noir. Roode a attrapé Hardy comme pour lui porter un pile driver, Hardy s'est libéré, l'a frappé et porter son Twist of Fate pour la victoire.
    Then time for the main event. Yeah, a little on the short side tonight, which would be my only complaint. Then again, they just did live TV the night before. Probably not the best scheduling. Main event was Jeff Hardy vs. Bobby Roode. Biggest pop of the night for Hardy. I was surprised he was on the card, since he's not been on TV much lately. I'm not the biggest Hardy fan, but he is good with his fans. He made his way around the ring slapping hands, and took some time to hug a few, and made sure kids and folks in wheel chairs got a chance to say hi. Match was decent, but to me not as good as Angle/Devon. Didn't tell a story as much. Both men got in signature moves (no Swanton though). Roode nailed a spinebuster and someone in the crowd yelled "Triple H does it better". If looks could kill....Roode was not happy! Roode picked up Hardy almost like setting up for a pile driver, Hardy got free, shot Roode off the ropes, then caught him for the Twist of Fate for the win.

    La salle n'était pas pleine mais appremment, le public était bruyant. la fédaration a semble t'il vendu beaucoup de produit dérivé et une nouvelle fois, elle est décrite comme faisant très attention à ses fans, les faisant sentir spéciaux.

      La date/heure actuelle est Sam 5 Oct - 1:36