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    Date pour le procès TNA vs Steiner connue.


    Messages : 1938
    Date d'inscription : 01/04/2013

    Date pour le procès TNA vs Steiner connue. Empty Date pour le procès TNA vs Steiner connue.

    Message par Satandro Mer 28 Aoû - 11:22

    Source: TNAInsider, reprise de PWinsider.

    La date pour le procès opposant la TNA a Steiner suite aux différents propos de ce dernier sur twitter, diffamatoires et insultants, est connue. Ce sera pour le 31 Mars 2013, à Nashville, Tennessee.

    Pour ceux désirant les détails, j'espère que vous comprenez l'anglais, voici ce qu'indique le site:

    This from

    A trial date has been set for the lawsuit TNA brought against former talent Scott Steiner last year, alleging defamation of several executives and breach of contract after Steiner ripped on Hulk Hogan, Eric Bischoff and others via his Twitter account.

    A jury trial has been set for 3/31/14 in Nashville, TN, where TNA is headquartered. The two sides will have a pre-trial meeting on 3/14.

    TNA filed a lawsuit on Monday 6/18/12 against Steiner, stemming from the attacks he had made against the company, Hulk Hogan, Eric Bischoff and former TNA executive Bruce Prichard, among others, via Twitter.

    In the lawsuit filed in Chancery Court for Davidson County, TNA noted that Steiner signed a contract with the company on 12/23/10 to appear exclusively for the promotion. A copy of that contract, including Steiner's payroll for his appearances ($2000 for events, $2500 for PPV, plus royalties to be paid 90 days later) was filed in court, including:

    *An agreement that Steiner would not "make any statements or provide information, written, verbal or otherwise, which directly or indirectly disparages or casts in a negative light any TNA officers, employees, representatives, affiliates, shareholders, licensees and/or past or current TNA talent."

    *An agreement that Steiner would not use online social media or media appearances to discuss TNA without TNA's prior written consent in each instance.

    TNA has claimed that Steiner violated the terms of that contract and is currently in breach for his online rants against the company. In their lawsuit, The company claimed that they contacted him on 5/10/12 asking him to cease the behavior but
    "Steiner ignored TNA's demands and has continued to breach the Agreement."

    In the lawsuit, TNA petitioned the court asking that they be allowed to recover their damages as well as court and attorney's fees. They are claiming the breach has caused the company "irreparable harm, which cannot be adequately measured by monetary relief."

    Steiner, in responding to the lawsuit, told the court that his TNA deal expired and while he was offered a new contract, he opted to turn it down and never executed the deal. Steiner has previously demanded the TNA suit against him be thrown out of court, which has not happened. He has also previously requested a jury trial should the case go to trial, which he will get.

    Steiner counter-sued the company in September of 2012, claiming that they, not he, had breached a deal, alleging at the time that "Steiner alleged that TNA had failed to properly provide, as they were contractually obligated to do, "an accounting of all Royalty payments" due to him, failed to provide "royalty statements of all merchandise royalties and video royalties" owed to him, and "failed to pay all royalties" due to him. Steiner demanded judgment in a "yet to be determined amount."

    Steiner later withdrew that counter-suit and filed a second lawsuit against TNA, alleging he was injured wrestling at a house show in Michigan against Jeff Hardy, who the lawsuit claims was under the influence while performing.

    Court records indicate that Steiner's attorneys attempted to consolidate another case into the lawsuit TNA filed, which may have been Steiner's second lawsuit alleging his injuries. If that was indeed the case, it's a moot point now as the judge ruled against that consolidation.

    So, unless things end up settled before this coming March, the two sides will have a showdown before the legal system.

      La date/heure actuelle est Sam 28 Sep - 2:19