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    Récapitulatif des vainqueurs des différentes séries du Gut Check Challenge.


    Messages : 1938
    Date d'inscription : 01/04/2013

    Récapitulatif des vainqueurs des différentes séries du Gut Check Challenge. Empty Récapitulatif des vainqueurs des différentes séries du Gut Check Challenge.

    Message par Satandro Dim 26 Mai - 3:16

    Il reste encore trois séries et ensuite je suppose qu'on passera à l'étape suivante.

    Voici la liste des vainqueurs des 13 première séries. Dans le commentaire suivant, je vous placerai si possibles des vidéos de matchs de ces mêmes vainqueurs dans d'autres fédérations et les interviews(non traduites) réalisée par le site d'informations

    "Bad Bones" Jon Klinger
    "The Perfect Athlete" Shanna
    AJ Kirsch
    Barry Ryte
    Chance Prophet
    Dab Savage
    Dimitri "Rosto" Soliotopoulos
    Jake Dirden
    Judas Yorik
    Mayan Warrior
    Nikki Storm
    Punjabi Prince Johnny Gill
    Shawn Shultz
    The Big O

    Dernière édition par Satandro le Sam 8 Juin - 7:31, édité 3 fois

    Messages : 1938
    Date d'inscription : 01/04/2013

    Récapitulatif des vainqueurs des différentes séries du Gut Check Challenge. Empty "Bad Bones" John Klinger

    Message par Satandro Dim 26 Mai - 3:18

    Source rédacteur JSO.

    Hello John. Let me first congratulate you on making it into Bracket 1.
    Thank you for having me for this interview!

    Do you watch TNA and if so, how long have you been watching the product?
    I have been following TNA since they started. So yes, I watch TNA.

    What are your thoughts on the new Gutcheck Challenge with the fans voting?
    I have to say the new GutCheck Challenge voting system is something different, but I really like the fact that the fans can decide who they want to see. It is their way to show TNA how much they support someone. Actually a pretty cool way to find out who is hot and who is not!

    Who inspired you to get into professional wrestling?
    I got inspired by Shawn Michaels. As I saw him work, I knew that is exactly what I want to become!

    Who trained you to become a wrestler?
    I got trained by Lloyd Anoa'i and Karsten Kretschmer. Thank you very much guys for helping me to get that far!

    Which promotion do you primarily wrestle for?
    My home promotion is wXw (Westside Xtreme Wrestling), the biggest company in Germany. They also have co-op's with CZW in America and BJW in Japan. They formed the Triangle. So we have co-op shows in Germany, America and Japan.

    What did British Boot Camp mean to European wrestlers such as yourself?
    I thought it was a great new product, and stuff like this helps to bring it closer to the fans. Also, you allow talent to show off and make the best out of it!

    What is your finishing move called and what exactly is it?
    My finishing move is called the Shadow Driver. It is a Blue Thunder Bomb, but a bit more spiked.

    For those that have never seen you wrestle, what makes you stand out?
    I am called the "The German Psycho" and they also know me as the "Best in Europe"... and that is for a reason! I have a unique style like no one else. I am the only German in the whole GutCheck voting. I will make an impact as being the FIRST German entering TNA Impact Wrestling. So please vote for me. Why? B!-CUZ U CAN!

    Do you prefer to be a babyface or do you prefer to be the hated heel?
    I prefer to be the Psycho-One! So you better do not mess with me, when you step between those ropes!

    Have you ever had a match with anyone in the Gutcheck Challenge?
    I have been at the GutCheck in London, January 2011. So it was not like it is right now, but I did some stuff with D'Lo Brown in the ring. Never thought anything would come out of it, but then I got the message that I am the only German in the voting! Which really made me speechless.

    If you could have a match with anyone in TNA, who would you choose?
    I probably would choose Kurt Angle. One of the best technical wrestlers ever! But everyone would be great to be in the ring with!

    What was it like to win your first championship belt?
    It was a great feeling. A promotion putting a belt on you means they have trust in you. To be honest, when I won my first big title I dedicated it to my best friend, who died in a tragic accident. I cried when I won it, because he always believed in me and that was one little bit I was able to give him back.

    Messages : 1938
    Date d'inscription : 01/04/2013

    Récapitulatif des vainqueurs des différentes séries du Gut Check Challenge. Empty "The Perfect Athlete" Shanna

    Message par Satandro Dim 26 Mai - 3:22

    Source:, rédacteur Talon.

    Récapitulatif des vainqueurs des différentes séries du Gut Check Challenge. Shanna_promo_Flag

    Ninjafitz has conducted an interview with TNA Gutcheck Contestant and UK Knockout, Shanna. She will be competing in bracket 2. Here is the interview:

    My first question is do you watch TNA and if so how long have you been watching TNA?
    I can say I have my periods where I watch more TNA, or more WWE or more Indy wrestling, I can say for sure that I watch frequently a lot of different wrestling matches/shows, TNA being one of them.

    What are your thoughts on the new Gutcheck Challenge with the fans voting?
    I think a) it's a tremendous initiative that will allow a lot of good talent to put their names out there and b) a golden opportunity to get that much desired contract that a lot desire and only a few actually get! A once in a lifetime opportunity. The fans are the support of wrestling, if we didn’t have them, there would be no wrestling. So I think it's a great thing to let them choose who they would like to see on TV because that results ultimately in better ratings.

    Which wrestler inspired you to become a professional wrestler?
    Hulk Hogan, Roddy Piper, Mr Perfect, The Steiners, so many!

    Who trained you to be a wrestler?
    I began my training in Portugal at the Wrestling Portugal Academy.

    Which promotion do you primarily wrestle for?
    Another one of those questions where i have to say MANY! I wrestle all over Europe for loads of different promotions. I'll be soon expanding my horizons and explore other continents! Wink

    What is your finishing move called and what exactly is it?
    My finishing move is called the Perfect Press. It's the best and most perfectly executed Top Rope Crossbody. Always imitated never duplicated, hence why when I do it, it's perfect and a killer to my opponents.

    For those that have never seen you wrestle what makes you stand out?
    The fact that I am beautiful AND I can wrestle. The complete package.

    Do you prefer to be a face or do you prefer to be the hated heel?
    I am me, doesn't matter who likes me or not as long as I keep collecting victories.

    If you could have a match with any knockout in TNA who would you choose?
    My picks would be Tara, Gail Kim and ODB. They are very experienced and talented wrestlers, I would most certainly have legendary bouts with these women.

    How much harder is it for a female wrestler to break to into the big companies?
    In a business where looks are really important, I'd say it's very hard for a woman especially if we don't correspond to the "Diva" like look. So we have to double even triple our efforts to get a very small window of opportunity.

    How did your friends and family react when you told them you were going to be a professional wrestler?
    Obviously were speechless but right now they are very proud and i hope to make them even prouder by achieving the ultimate dream, which is to be hired by a major promotion and become a big star.

    What is your greatest match?
    The match I'm most proud of was very recent in AWW against Emi Sakura. You can watch the teaser here. Unfortunately it's not complete but you can order the DVD and take a look at it yourselves. I promise it's well worth it, it had loads of hype.

    I would also like to make a huge Shout out to ALL the fans reading this interview, it has been a real pleasure answering these questions for you guys. If you want to see PERFECTION live on TNA Impact then please support me in my quest on Gutcheck. Go to bracket 2 and VOTE! Spread the word, tell your friends, family, neighbors, cat, dog, together we can do this! SHANNA FOR TNA! Smile x

    Dernière édition par Satandro le Dim 26 Mai - 3:29, édité 2 fois

    Messages : 1938
    Date d'inscription : 01/04/2013

    Récapitulatif des vainqueurs des différentes séries du Gut Check Challenge. Empty AJ Kirsch

    Message par Satandro Dim 26 Mai - 3:24

    Source, rédacteur Chris Regal.

    Récapitulatif des vainqueurs des différentes séries du Gut Check Challenge. A.J.+Kirsch+promo+pic

    AJ, I'd like to thank you for taking the time to answer some questions for us. Before we proceed, I'd like to congratulate you on your enormous victory in Bracket 3 of the TNA Gutcheck online challenge.
    Hey, no problem. Glad to be talking with you. And thank you for your congratulations on winning my bracket in the first round of TNA Gut Check, I appreciate it. I'm looking forward to learning what the next step is.

    Let's get to know you a little bit. Tell us about your initial experience in the Gutcheck process. Which Gutcheck seminar did you attend? As a prospective professional wrestler, did you find that the seminar was helpful? Was the seminar you attended before or after WWE's Tough Enough?
    I attended the Sacramento, CA seminar with D'Lo Brown back in September, 2011, so this was shortly after my time on WWE Tough Enough. I did find the seminar helpful, both as far as my in-ring work goes, and making contacts within the business. To perform in front of and learn from people who have seen and done so much in the business is always a privilege. I was very glad I attended, now more than ever.

    I'm curious, was there anything, in particular, that you learned or discovered via the Gutcheck seminar that you hadn't during Tough Enough? You have a unique perspective, one that so few wrestlers can claim.
    Nothing's coming to mind. I don't remember learning anything from the Gut Check seminar that I hadn't already learned on WWE Tough Enough, but keep in mind the Gut Check seminar was only a couple of hours prior to a TNA house show. Tough Enough was eight weeks of complete immersion. The two experiences were so different that it's unfair to compare the two.

    Let's talk about your bracket in the online challenge. Upon finding out who your competition was in the opening round, how confident were you that you'd win the bracket?
    When I found out the winners were going to be selected via public voting, I was fairly confident, not because of who my competition was, but because since WWE Tough Enough, I've built a strong social media following. It pales in comparison to most big names out there, but as far as independent workers trying to make a name for themselves, it's bigger than most. Just moments after pushing Gut Check on my Facebook (, Twitter (@AJKirsch) and Tout (@AJKirsch), I snagged the top spot in my bracket and didn't let it go. But, from here on out, I doubt it's going to get any easier.

    I think one of the more interesting aspects of Bracket 3 in Gutcheck was the want and desire by so many wrestling fans, myself included, that Kwan Chang did not advance to the next round. I can't speak for others but, I admit, I certainly breathed a sigh of relief when you officially won your bracket. Did you, at all, notice how much fans, particularly on social media, were rooting for you to win?
    To be completely honest, I have no idea who Kwan Chang is. I was more worried about losing to the guy with the lifeguard gimmick! (laughs) Now I'm curious to hear why you and other fans didn't want Chang to advance. I can't thank my friends and fans enough for their outpouring of support once I started spreading the word about Gut Check. So many people re-tweeted my tweets, shared my status updates, re-touted my Touts...the phrase has become a cliché, but I honestly could not have done it without their help. To see so many people rooting for me is humbling and encouraging. I'm gonna need every bit of their support as the competition advances because I doubt it's gonna get any easier.

    Now that you've advanced to the finals of Gutcheck, you're essentially playing the waiting game until June. Do you have a plan, in the meantime, to attract new fans or do you think your body of work, particularly in Tough Enough, is enough to ensure a good placement in the finals? You do, after all, have an advantage over many of your competitors in that many of the voters have watched you compete for the WWE.
    Well, slow down - I'm not sure the next round IS the finals...unless you know something I don't (laughs). Yeah, I have no idea what the next step in the competition is, but I think you're right in that I'm playing the waiting game until voting in the first 16 brackets concludes in June. My plan, in the meantime, is to keep promoting myself as much as possible on my social media outlets (, Twitter @AJKirsch, Tout @AJKirsch), keep training hard, and stay proactive as opposed to reactive. I'm not going into the next round of TNA Gut Check assuming anything. Nothing's guaranteed to anyone. I'm just gonna have fun with this opportunity and take it as far as I can.

    Perhaps I was a bit presumptuous but from what I understand, the winners of all 16 brackets will be placed in a Winners Bracket where the fans will have an opportunity to vote for their favorite. I imagine the winner (or possibly the top two vote-getters) of that bracket will advance to the television version of Gutcheck but that's mere speculation. In any case, what is your opinion on the Gutcheck challenge, not necessarily the process but rather the concept?
    I think the concept is really interesting. It's a different take from what we've seen with win-a-contract competitions from the past. I also appreciate how TNA recognized the problem with letting people vote an unlimited number of times and how they took the time and effort to revise and relaunch the competition. I don't hesitate to say that some of the other competitors were using some shady tactics to gain votes. Sucks for them that issue has been addressed and resolved.

    Let's talk about you a little bit. It appears, judging by those who've watched you on Tough Enough, that you possess the wrestling skills and can undoubtedly succeed in TNA and on an international level from that standpoint. But, one criticism of you that always seems to rear its ugly little head is your inability to stand out - a lack of charisma, as your trainers on TE described it. Tell me, are you cognizant of this? If so, is it something you're working on?
    Oh, sure. I took so much from the entire Tough Enough experience, including what ultimately resulted in my downfall on the show, but I don't think anyone who works with me or anyone who has seen me work will tell you that I have any lack of charisma. If I tell you NOT to think about a pink elephant, what pops into your head? A pink elephant. That's how I was on Tough Enough; I was so worried about not messing up that I would inevitably mess up. I got so deep inside my own head that I didn't perform as well as I'm capable of performing. The promo I cut on Bill DeMott - the one that earned props from The Rock - was my shining moment on the show. I hung my balls out there because I was very much aware of where I stood in the competition and I realized I had nothing to lose. I took a risk and it turned into one of the greatest moments of my career. I'm bringing that approach to every opportunity that comes my way in wrestling, including TNA Gut Check. I've grown so much as a person and as a performer since Tough Enough. I'm no longer afraid to take risks. The further I advance in Gut Check, the more risks I'm going to take.

    AJ, do you follow the TNA product? Do you watch Impact? I ask simply because I think it's important to hardcore fans of Impact Wrestling that wrestlers genuinely believe in the product. TNA may be an international brand but its fanbase, at least the majority of it, is unlike the WWE's in that we aren't casual fans. We are pro wrestling enthusiasts and in many cases, purists.
    I wish I could say professional wrestling pays my bills, but I can't yet. My bill-paying job requires that I work nights, so I miss the live airings of both Impact and Raw, so I catch both shows online. I'm not exactly sure what you mean by "believe in the product." I believe in professional wrestling, sports-entertainment, whatever you wanna call it. I believe that it can be as compelling and captivating as it was 10 years ago, 20 years ago. I have something to offer to this business, inside and outside the ring. This business is better off with me in it, and if you're a part of this business and don't believe that about yourself, then you're a part of the problem. I wanna be a part of the solution.

    That's all well and good, and I certainly appreciate and respect your enthusiasm for the industry but are you a fan of Impact Wrestling? Are you a fan of long term storytelling, old school pro wrestling, promos that aren't overly-scripted, etc.
    Yes to all of the above, especially the promos. They're so much more believable when they're organic. I feel like it's obvious - sometimes, painfully so - when a promo is scripted. But, ultimately, it's about what brings the best out of a performer, and therefore, gets the people excited about what they're watching. If someone does amazing work after memorizing a promo word-for-word, then great. But for me, I prefer a few bullet-points and let the rest come through in my character.

    For those who aren't familiar with your work, which wrestler, past or present, would you say is comparable to you, specifically in the ring?
    I've heard people compare my style to Eddie Guerrero when he was in WWE. I keep it on the ground for the most part, some technical wrestling, and a few high-flying moves should the occasion call for it.

    And your finisher? Tell us a little about that.
    Since Tough Enough, I've been using the Stunner (with permission), but my finisher of choice is still an elbow drop off the top rope. Shawn Michaels was the man who, more than anyone else, inspired me to wanna get in the ring. I always enjoyed watching him hit that move, even more than Sweet Chin Music. Hitting the perfect elbow drop is like hitting a baseball off the sweet spot of a bat. Nothing else like it. If I hit that elbow and I can make some kid feel the same way Shawn Michaels made me feel when he hit his elbow drop, then I've done my job.

    OK, I feel like putting you on the spot. I, typically, don't do much fantasy booking but I make an exception once in a while. Let's for a moment imagine that you are chosen by the fans to compete on the television version of Gutcheck (not to jinx you or anything). If you had to choose one wrestler, from the list of the online Gutcheck challengers (anyone from the 16 brackets), whom would you choose to be your opponent? Anyone, in particular, who you've worked with before or someone you feel would compliment you well?
    Honestly, I haven't looked at the competitors in the other brackets with enough detail to give you an answer that would do your question justice. Sorry your fantasy booking exception was all for naught! Hopefully, I avoided that jinx. (laughs) I don't think it matters who I face, should I make it that far. One of the biggest lessons I ever learned in this business and one that Bill DeMott echoed many times on Tough Enough, is that it's your job to make your opponent look better than they are. I should be able to go in there with anyone and make them look better than they are, and I'd expect nothing less from them.

    Do you have any future indie bookings that you'd like to announce?
    Yeah. I'll be at Gold Rush Pro Wrestling in Pacifica, CA on Saturday, April 27 (, Hoodslam in Oakland, CA on Friday, May 3 (, Pro Championship Wrestling in Oroville, CA on Saturday, May 4 (, All Pro Wrestling in Hayward, CA on Friday, May 17 (, and Lucha Xtreme in Fresno, CA on Sunday, May 19 ( As of the time of this interview, that about covers my bookings over next month.

    AJ, once again, I'd like to thank you for doing this. I think you were quite a good sport and I truly appreciate that. Regardless of the Gutcheck results, I want you to know, you've gained a fan in me. Is there anything you'd like to say to the wonderful readers of TNAsylum?
    Thank you for the kind words, Chris, and thank you for giving me this platform to let the TNA fans get to know me a little better. I truly appreciate it. If they wanna keep track of me on social media, I accept all friend requests on Facebook (, you can like my fan page (, you can follow me on Twitter, Tout, and Instagram (all @AJKirsch), and you can subscribe to my YouTube channel ( I'm all over social media – probably a little too much – but it's helped me a great deal thus far and I expect it will continue to help as I eagerly await the next step in the TNA Gut Check challenge.

    Source du lien vidéo:

    Dernière édition par Satandro le Dim 26 Mai - 3:42, édité 2 fois

    Messages : 1938
    Date d'inscription : 01/04/2013

    Récapitulatif des vainqueurs des différentes séries du Gut Check Challenge. Empty Chance Prophet

    Message par Satandro Dim 26 Mai - 3:27

    Source:, rédacteur Talon.

    Récapitulatif des vainqueurs des différentes séries du Gut Check Challenge. Chance-Prophet

    Next up is a favorite in Chance Prophet. If you like what you see here, make sure to vote for Chance in Bracket 5 (which opened today). Credit to Ninjafitz for the interview.

    My first question is do you watch TNA and if so how long have you been watching TNA?
    Thank you! I've been watching TNA since its inception. Where they were a member of the National Wrestling Alliance, I was brought in a few times for tryouts and Xplosion matches. I still remember watching the weekly Wednesday night Pay Per Views, where it was more raw and not the polished product that it has become.

    Where did the inspiration to start painting your face come from?
    To be completely honest, unlike what everyone may think (the Joker), it was inspired by Venom.

    Do you paint it yourself?
    Yes. Everytime.

    Is it always the same?
    Not completely, but it has the same feel. It will be changing soon, but some elements may stay the same.

    What are your thoughts on the new Gutcheck Challenge with the fans voting?
    I'm excited to see that it looks like the voting will be regulated and kept honest. Too many people were garnering votes by questionable means. If you can't get the votes honest, give it up. LOL

    Which wrestler inspired you to become a professional wrestler?
    The major inspiration to become a wrestler came when I first saw the Great Muta. His presence and character just captured my attention and made me sit on the edge of my seat. Later, personalities like The Undertaker and Vampiro would further that inspiration.

    Who trained you to be a wrestler?
    The main person responsible for training me would be "Adorable" Danny Ray Nelson, as well as the APW (Appalachian Professional Wrestling-Oak Hill, WV) locker room. Later on, I would receive further training from Jesse Hernandez at the School of Hard Knocks in San Bernadino, CA.

    Which promotion do you primarily wrestle for?
    I've been primarily labeled an NWA guy, as I've received the majority of my mainstream success there, but if I would call any one promotion home, it would be Remix Pro Wrestling ( or Ring Warriors ( These two promotions have allowed me the freedom to completely run rampant with my brand of chaos.

    You have a darker/sinister look what inspired that?
    It was an outward representation of everything that had been going on inside. I lost out on a lot of really important opportunities when I shattered my leg back in 2007. I was in the middle of my first NWA National Heavyweight Championship reign, had a feud lined up with Daniel Bryan ("American Dragon" Bryan Danielson as we knew him), tryouts with WWE, and a few things that were in the works. I returned to full time competition, fully cleared by my doctor, after 6 months. When it came time to cash in on some of those promises that were there prior to my injury, a lot of people conveniently didn't reply to phone calls, emails, or texts. I was dropped completely, and very few from the NWA even checked on my well-being, let alone my availability to return to work for them. David Marquez, Bob Trobich, Rico Mann, and Bill Behrens were the few that maintained contact. (Remarkably, those very same people are no longer involved with the current National Wrestling Alliance.) Fast forward a few months later, I'm a little more bitter, a lot more angry, and I wanted to use that as an advantage. I wanted to erase all visible reminders of who I once was to the "Alliance" that had so easily left me to die professionally, and became to be a lot more vocal in my disdain for them. Low and behold, they began taking interest again. Funny how those things work.

    What is your finishing move called and what exactly is it?
    My go-to finisher is the Doomsayer DDT. Its a cradle DDT where the opponent is straddled across my quadriceps, and trapped in a guillotine. I proceed to leap backwards and direct all of my weight and theirs to their skull and neck. My secondary is a flying knee strike I like to call The Midnight Cry. Its quick, effective, and useful on any size opponent.

    For those that have never seen you wrestle what makes you unique?
    My choice of socks. Smile In all honesty, I pride myself in never having the same match, or using the exact same set of maneuvers. I am a believer in using more than just one familiar set of moves to get the job done. Nowadays, people want something they can predict. I like being unpredictable.

    Do you prefer to be a face or do you prefer to be the hated heel?
    I prefer to be hated. I like giving people a reason to cheer for the other guy, as I'm usually in an area that I'm not regularly in.

    Have you ever had a match with anyone in the Gutcheck Challenge?
    Too many to count. Onyx, Chase Stevens, Facade. The list goes on and on. (I get around. LOL)

    If you could have a match with anyone in TNA who would you choose?
    I would choose to go at it with Kurt Angle. I want to know that I can hang with the best technical wrestler on the planet. If I can handle being in there with him, the rest I can figure out a game plan for.

    What was it like facing guys like AJ Styles, James Storm, Christopher Daniels and Abyss early in your career?
    It was a great education on how separate you need to be from the other indy guys if you want to have any success. Its not a knock to anyone on the independents, but if you want to be seen as a true professional, and are more intent on how much your friends in the back cared about what your finishing move looked like, then you need to reevaluate your attempted profession. Having peer critiques is necessary in any profession, but spend more time asking those that are in or who have had a position of success higher than you. Matches with the aforementioned opponents only made me see that I need to continue to further my experience in order to get to their level and beyond. I still see things that way today.

    What was it like when you won your first Championship Belt?
    Humbling. My first "real" title reign came as the result of a swerve. My tag partner at the time and I were thrown into a match with a tag team that were ready to sever ties, and they decided to take their frustrations out on each other. We reaped the rewards and had a short title reign, but it made me realize that if the company will put their championship on you, regardless of your level, you have some worth to them and they have faith in you to carry your part of the company.

    Messages : 1938
    Date d'inscription : 01/04/2013

    Récapitulatif des vainqueurs des différentes séries du Gut Check Challenge. Empty Dab Savage

    Message par Satandro Dim 26 Mai - 3:31

    Source, rédacteur Ninjafitz

    Récapitulatif des vainqueurs des différentes séries du Gut Check Challenge. 931338_10151470196048305_104005317_n

    My first question is do you watch TNA and if so how long have you been watching TNA?
    I do watch TNA, not gonna lie, it is not 1997 so I'm not glued to either product religiously, but I do keep up with it and do watch when I can.

    What are your thoughts on the new Gutcheck Challenge with the fans voting?
    I do like the new concept. I believe there was some sketchy stuff going on in the original challenge. I find it hard to believe that someone I have never heard of could have an excess of 5000 votes. Hopefully now it is an even playing field and fans have the chance to see Dab Savage on TV like they deserve.

    Which wrestler inspired you to become a professional wrestler?
    I would say Shawn Michaels and Chris Jericho. They were my two favorites growing up and still are to this day. Neither are 6'4 and to me are the most charismatic wrestlers out there. Too many guys are generic and have the same, bald, tribal tat, goatee look, and no charisma. Fans need a change and I am that guy.

    What is your height and weight?
    5'10 205 for real. 6 foot 220 if I'm asked

    Who trained you to be a wrestler?
    I have had the chance to work with so many guys and I won't name drop, but my tag team partner on the Indies, Johnny Romano, was the main one to get me going.

    Which promotion do you primarily wrestle for?
    I go where I want, Independent Wrestling is such a joke, and by that I mean you have guys that have no business being in a ring or guys that think they are superstars in flea markets all over the south. I base my appearances on money and locker room environment.

    What is your finishing move called and what exactly is it?
    Well it's called The Last Dance! which is basically a Rock Bottom, but the real kicker is the "Dab Will Do Ya" leg drop that follows. No one kicks out from that combo.

    For those that have never seen you wrestle what makes you stand out?
    My charisma and my storytelling ability and the way I interact with a crowd is in a league of its own. Anyone can do a hip toss or an arm drag but the important thing is, can you make the fans care about it!

    Do you feel that storytelling is somewhat of a lost art on the Indy scene?
    Yes, I think the Indy scene is more of a popularity contest with everyone trying to impress their buddies and get all their move set in. They forget about the fans a good bit of the time. Of course I don't do that; Savage loves the fans Smile

    Earlier this month Eric Bischoff was talking about how much harder it is for new stars to break out saying "They're coming out of a wrestling pasta machine and it's much more difficult for them to break out as a result of that." By your answers it sounds like you agree. What do you think about his comments?
    Yeah, I do agree. So many people are generic. I find it tough because I'm not a huge guy or a small guy. Plus wrestling isn't as hot as it was in the 90's so spots are tough. But I'm gonna keep on scrapping til I make my mark on the biz!

    Do you prefer to be a face or do you prefer to be the hated heel?
    I used to say heel, but honestly it doesn't matter, the important thing is being able to switch at anytime and for it to mean something.

    How would you describe your style?
    My style is entertainment baby!!

    If you could have a match with anyone in TNA who would you choose?
    I'm a mark at heart, so Sting or Hogan.

    Messages : 1938
    Date d'inscription : 01/04/2013

    Récapitulatif des vainqueurs des différentes séries du Gut Check Challenge. Empty Dimitri "Rosto" Soliotopoulos

    Message par Satandro Dim 26 Mai - 3:33

    Source: TNAsylum, rédacteur Ninjafitz

    Récapitulatif des vainqueurs des différentes séries du Gut Check Challenge. Dimitri-200x300

    My first question is do you watch TNA and if so how long have you been watching TNA?
    I try most of the time to watch TNA when I can. I have watched TNA since they got a TV deal in 2005 with I think a 45 minute weekly show. It’s great to see how TNA grew up through the years. I really appreciate the past few weeks the storyline around the Aces & Eights.

    What are your thoughts on the new Gutcheck Challenge with the fans voting?
    The Gutcheck Challenge is a great opportunity to all the wrestlers to prove and show a great company what they can do in the ring without “connections“. It gives the fans important decisions for TNA. For US wrestlers, it’s something interesting to see with the votes, for European or non US wrestlers it’s different, I think for me most of the fans who will vote for me are French and want support a French guy, the same I think for German guys, Portuguese. It’s not really fair for the challenge, but it could be a great thing for TNA if they want to have the European market and to see how popular those wrestlers can be. Why not a European boot camp after that?

    Which wrestler inspired you to become a professional wrestler?
    I wasn't really be inspired by a wrestler to become a pro wrestler, but in my childhood I was really big fan of Macho Man Randy Savage and Scott Hall.

    Who trained you to be a wrestler?
    I've been trained in old school European style with French wrestlers from 70’s 80’s like Theo Popoffh and his son Flashboy, Michel Saulnier, Sidi Abdesslam El Alami.

    Which promotion do you primarily wrestle for?
    I work everywhere in France or around the world, but for the moment I work primarily with ICWA a French company directed by Pierre “Booster“ Fontaine

    What is your finishing move called and what exactly is it?
    I have 2 finishing moves, The Spear and The Cross Legged Driver.

    For those that have never seen you wrestle what makes you stand out?
    I don't know if it’s the same around the world, but in France most of the guys are dark in their wrestling gears and come into the ring with metal or rap music. I like to listen to funk music, I decided to come to the ring with funk music and have many different colors on my wrestling gears to be different from others. Work differently than others wrestlers too, and have my own wrestling style. It works in France.

    What is your gimmick?
    I don't really have a gimmick, I am just myself. I wrestle under my real name and I know that many will find it strange for a French guy to have a Greek name, but that is why I am a real European.

    Is there any wrestler out there that you would compare yourself too?
    Not really, I think to have success you have to be unique, not to be compared to others.

    Have you ever had a match with anyone in the Gutcheck Challenge?
    No, I have not had a match with anyone in the Gutcheck Challenge, but I know a few of them.

    If you could have a match with anyone in TNA who would you choose?
    I really appreciate most of the wrestlers in the TNA roster and it could be cool to work with them. They have legendary guys and young talents, but if I could have a match with anyone, it would be Kurt Angle.

    Source pour le lien vidéo:

    Dernière édition par Satandro le Dim 26 Mai - 3:40, édité 1 fois

    Messages : 1938
    Date d'inscription : 01/04/2013

    Récapitulatif des vainqueurs des différentes séries du Gut Check Challenge. Empty (Neon Ninja) Facade

    Message par Satandro Dim 26 Mai - 3:38

    Source: et TNAsylum

    Récapitulatif des vainqueurs des différentes séries du Gut Check Challenge. Facade

    Next up in the TNAsylum Gutcheck Bracket Challenge interviews is Bracket 8 winner Facade. He has a reputation of being one of the best high flyers on the indy scene. He wants to make his mark in TNA but needs your vote. You can vote for Facade from June 8 to June 15.

    My first question is do you watch TNA and if so how long have you been watching TNA?
    I have followed TNA since it was a PPV only promotion, the very beginning.

    What are your thoughts on the new Gutcheck Challenge with the fans voting?
    I am happy everything got straightened out 

    Which wrestler inspired you to become a professional wrestler? 
    The reason most people did...Hulk Hogan

    Who trained you to be a wrestler?
    Shirley Doe, Super Hentai from IWC, Also known for training Zema Ion

    Which promotion do you primarily wrestle for?
    The IWC out of Pittsburgh is my home promotion

    What is your finishing move called and what exactly is it?
    I have 2 moves I try to finish opponents with. one is a seated cattle mutilation known as the DreadLock; the other is from an inverted DDT position lifted and dropped into a Michinoku Driver known as the Arashikage Driver. (GI JOE Ninja Clan & tattoo reference)

    For those that have never seen you wrestle what makes you stand out?
    It's hard for me to say personally what makes me stand out, but for folks who've never seen me I am sure there's a list of things they could pick from...Maybe it's the Dreadlocks?? or the neon clothing? Spraypaint? #ninjaRAP!?

    Do you prefer to be a face or do you prefer to be the hated heel?
    I'm a SuperHero

    Have you ever had a match with anyone in the Gutcheck Challenge? 
    Noriega, Greg Iron, Chris LeRusso, Chance Prophet,

    If you could have a match with anyone in TNA who would you choose? 
    AJ Styles, RVD or Kurt Angle

    What is the crazy wrestling spot you have done?
    Either when I walked edge of the top of a 12ft high cage to cross body Jason Gory, or when I did a ropewalk hurracanranna to the floor through a table to Crimson aka Tommy Mercer.

    What was it like working with TNA star and Gutcheck winner Christian York?
    Myself and York have had a few encounters based on our similar look and styles, and each time it gets better..

    Have you ever thought of what it would be like to perform in an Ultimate X match?
    I am known for ladder matches and have done some other high risk aerial matches, and would love to give Ultimate X a try...maybe even ropewalk it!

    Is there a wrestler that you think you compare too?
    That is really a tough question to answer. I would like to think there are parts of a few that make up FACADE, Maybe a showman like Hogan? Resilient and tenacious like Michaels? Flexible like RVD? Gutsy like Sabu? Maybe a little mouthy, like Piper? Maybe that's just wishful thinking, and we'll just leave it to the fans to decide!

    Rédacteur: Ninjafitz

    Dernière édition par Satandro le Mer 12 Juin - 8:14, édité 2 fois

    Messages : 1938
    Date d'inscription : 01/04/2013

    Récapitulatif des vainqueurs des différentes séries du Gut Check Challenge. Empty Jake Dirden

    Message par Satandro Dim 26 Mai - 3:48


    Récapitulatif des vainqueurs des différentes séries du Gut Check Challenge. Dea13c0dcejake-dirden


    Messages : 1938
    Date d'inscription : 01/04/2013

    Récapitulatif des vainqueurs des différentes séries du Gut Check Challenge. Empty Judas Yorik

    Message par Satandro Dim 26 Mai - 3:51

    Source: TNAsylum, rédacteur Ninjafitz.

    Récapitulatif des vainqueurs des différentes séries du Gut Check Challenge. Judas-Yorick-550x800

    My first question is do you watch TNA and if so how long have you been watching TNA?
    I do watch TNA, I’ve watched it more or less from the start in Nashville. But the company has changed a lot and it isn't really that same company anymore. It’s a lot bigger now and the amount of high level talent is insane.

    What are your thoughts on the new Gutcheck Challenge with the fans voting?
    I think it makes a lot more sense. I mean how can you expect a fan to search through 300 wrestlers and choose one to go forward. It was stupidly done. Now that you are only competing with 5 or 6 other guys I feel like fans can actually go through the wrestlers and make an educated decision.

    Which wrestler inspired you to become a professional wrestler?
    I think the first wrestler to really catch my eye was The Undertaker. He was the first guy who I looked at and said “I want to be just like that guy.” I want to be the guy who gives everybody goose bumps when he walks down the ramp, and I want children to be scared. I want to be in people’s nightmares, I want to be feared.

    Who trained you to be a wrestler?
    Trained primarily by Windy City Pro Wrestling with help from Harley Race and his school as well.

    Which promotion do you primarily wrestle for?
    I consider Blitz Pro Wrestling (Joliet, IL) my home but I wrestle all over the Midwest. The thing about Blitz though is it’s not a normal Indy promotion, it has more of an ROH feel, kind of above all the other indys.

    What is your finishing move called and what exactly is it?
    I call it Russian Roulette, because 1 in 6 people who take the move will snap their neck. I think the technical term would be a spinning fisherman neckbreaker. I hook the head and grab the leg as you would in a fisherman’s position, then I swing the leg out for momentum and whip it through into a sick neckbreaker. Nobody has ever kicked out of it. If the moment is right I've been known to do diving headbutts too.

    For those that have never seen you wrestle what makes you stand out?
    It’s hard for me to think of one thing that DOESN'T make me stand out. I literally do my best to not be like anyone else in all aspects of wrestling. My entrance is creepy. My gear is 100% original and unique. My promos are one of a kind. And I don't think anyone had been as sick and twisted in wrestling since the great Mankind.

    Do you prefer to be a face or do you prefer to be the hated heel?
    I can’t imagine being cheered for. I think if the crowds were to like me then that would have to be some pretty messed up crowds.

    If you could have a match with anyone in TNA who would you choose?
    Kurt Angle for sure. I would love to be the next person to break that neck.

    What is your gimmick?
    HAH. Funny that you say gimmick. I’d prefer you ask me who I am. My name is Judas Yorick. I was in and out of foster homes from a very young age until an incident once that left my foster parents dead. That incident is what started the voices, and not long after that I found myself in the asylum. It was terrible in there, but it gave me and my therapist time to think about how to solve my “violence problem” and she suggested professional wrestling. Because you see in wrestling I am aloud to hurt people, and then they raise my hand at the end. It’s really a beautiful thing.

    Explain who told you about the Gutcheck challenge?
    My therapist told me about it. Just imagine the possibilities I could be doing what I'm doing now, hurting people, on a global scale. Imagine the influence I could have on the world. Maybe someday someone will see me on TV and want to be just like Judas. It's really a beautiful thing, because bad is beautiful.

    So your therapist will be joining you in impact if you win?
    Oh absolutely. Many people call the Skull that I come out with a "prop," I call her, "Amy."

    How did "Amy" come to be in her current form?
    Ya know, I don't know how wise it is of you to be asking me questions like that.

    Moving on.......Is there any wrestler out there that you would compare yourself too?
    I would say Judas Yorick is a lot like Chris Benoit. I'll leave it up to you on how you interpret that.

    Messages : 1938
    Date d'inscription : 01/04/2013

    Récapitulatif des vainqueurs des différentes séries du Gut Check Challenge. Empty LuFisto [Geneviève (Genny) Goulet]

    Message par Satandro Dim 26 Mai - 3:58

    Source: et Max0070.

    Récapitulatif des vainqueurs des différentes séries du Gut Check Challenge. 220px-LuFisto

    LuFisto est une lutteuse canadienne qui a déjà une solide expérience dans le catch. Elle a débutée en 1997!
    Elle est passée dans de nombreuses fédérations dont la AAA, la SHIMMER et la CZW!

    le match proposé provient de Max0070 qui l'a posté dans les réponses à l'info sur le vainqueur de la 11ème série du Gut Chek Challenge.

    Dernière édition par Satandro le Jeu 13 Juin - 4:47, édité 2 fois

    Messages : 1938
    Date d'inscription : 01/04/2013

    Récapitulatif des vainqueurs des différentes séries du Gut Check Challenge. Empty Mayan Warrior, Rafael Lopez

    Message par Satandro Dim 26 Mai - 4:04


    Mayan Warrior veut dire guerrier maya...

    Récapitulatif des vainqueurs des différentes séries du Gut Check Challenge. Rafael-Lopez-232x300

    Ps: Je ne sais pas pourquoi mais la forme de ce ring m'est familière. J'ai l'impression de l'avoir déjà vu quelque part... Rolling Eyes

    Messages : 1938
    Date d'inscription : 01/04/2013

    Récapitulatif des vainqueurs des différentes séries du Gut Check Challenge. Empty Nikki Storm

    Message par Satandro Dim 26 Mai - 4:08


    Récapitulatif des vainqueurs des différentes séries du Gut Check Challenge. Nikki-Storm-1-200x300


    Messages : 855
    Date d'inscription : 03/04/2013

    Récapitulatif des vainqueurs des différentes séries du Gut Check Challenge. Empty Re: Récapitulatif des vainqueurs des différentes séries du Gut Check Challenge.

    Message par max0070 Mer 29 Mai - 16:24

    Très bonne idée pour le topic ça permis ainsi de connâître une peu plus les gagnant du Gut Check
    Je me demande comment vas se passer étapes suivante? Ils seront 16 est ce que il aurait chacun un match et au final il n'en restera que 8?
    Merci d'avoir citer mon nom et d'avoir donner le match que j'ai donner! Smile

    Messages : 1938
    Date d'inscription : 01/04/2013

    Récapitulatif des vainqueurs des différentes séries du Gut Check Challenge. Empty Re: Récapitulatif des vainqueurs des différentes séries du Gut Check Challenge.

    Message par Satandro Jeu 30 Mai - 4:25

    Il ne manquerait plus que çà que je ne te cite pas....
    Sinon, l'idée n'est pas de moi mais du site, je suis allé recherché des photos et vidéos quand ils ne les proposaient pas. Je me suis dit que çà pouvait servir et tu me confirmes tout cela.

    Messages : 1938
    Date d'inscription : 01/04/2013

    Récapitulatif des vainqueurs des différentes séries du Gut Check Challenge. Empty Punjabi Prince Johnny Gill

    Message par Satandro Sam 8 Juin - 7:21


    Lutteur anglais, âgé de 27 ans.


    Messages : 1938
    Date d'inscription : 01/04/2013

    Récapitulatif des vainqueurs des différentes séries du Gut Check Challenge. Empty Shawn Shultz

    Message par Satandro Sam 8 Juin - 7:25

    Récapitulatif des vainqueurs des différentes séries du Gut Check Challenge. Shawn-Shultz


    Messages : 1938
    Date d'inscription : 01/04/2013

    Récapitulatif des vainqueurs des différentes séries du Gut Check Challenge. Empty The Big O.

    Message par Satandro Sam 8 Juin - 7:29

    Récapitulatif des vainqueurs des différentes séries du Gut Check Challenge. 30112dy


    Messages : 1938
    Date d'inscription : 01/04/2013

    Récapitulatif des vainqueurs des différentes séries du Gut Check Challenge. Empty Barry Ryte

    Message par Satandro Jeu 13 Juin - 5:08


    Récapitulatif des vainqueurs des différentes séries du Gut Check Challenge. Barry-Ryte-516x800

    Ps: Je m'excuse pour le retard mais je n'avais pas remarqué avoir oublié de poster quelque chose sur Barry Ryte, mea culpa.

    Contenu sponsorisé

    Récapitulatif des vainqueurs des différentes séries du Gut Check Challenge. Empty Re: Récapitulatif des vainqueurs des différentes séries du Gut Check Challenge.

    Message par Contenu sponsorisé

      La date/heure actuelle est Sam 6 Juil - 10:49